Requirements to get a Driver’s license in Finland

Requirements to get a Driver’s license in Finland


Finland is one of Europe’s countries with strict laws regarding driver’s licenses. A Finnish driver’s license can be obtained by applicants who are at least 18 years old, have passed a written test and have spent at least two years as a learner driver. However, you can get an early release from this requirement if you have completed an international driving course before coming to Finland and have your certificate on hand when applying for a license. If you need additional lessons to meet this requirement, local authorities will provide them free of charge upon request. After passing all tests successfully, applicants must wait for their new driver’s licenses to arrive in the mail within 6-8 weeks after the application submission date (along with payment). The time required for processing depends on how busy Finnish authorities are at any given time during the processing season, which runs from September through April each year).

You may also want to know about Finland’s vehicle registration requirements, which should not require much effort on your part since there are no special rules or restrictions imposed on foreign nationals except those who plan on bringing their vehicles over from overseas permanently into Finland (in which case there would need to be some tax payments made towards owning such property here).


A driving licence permit is required to get a driving licence as you can only undergo theory and practical tests with it. Prerequisites include

  • category-specific age and health requirements,
  • being a permanent resident or a student with at least six months of residency and
  • no suspended licenses in other E.U. or EEA countries.

The permit is valid for three years.

Driving instruction can be obtained through a driving school, relative with a driving instruction permit, or with a combination of the two. Getting a driving education before applying for a driving licence permit as an ambitious school student or through an instructor who has been granted a driving instruction permit is possible. Passenger driving instruction includes at least 18 hours of education, including risk recognition training, theory, and driving lessons. In addition, for new licensees, an additional four-hour training for candidates for first driving licences (EAS) is required.

Required Documents

You need to bring the following documents with you when applying for a Finnish driving license:

  • Passport
  • Residence permit (if applicable)
  • Valid driver’s license from your home country. If you have an international driving permit, it must be accurate and translated into Finnish or Swedish by a certified translator. It is also possible to use a translation service provided by the police if there are no other options aree. However, this usually costs around EUR 50-100, depending on how fast they can turn around the translation work on your behalf, so check out other options first!

If necessary, proof of address in Finland: Your passport must be registered at an address in Finland (or else, what are we going on about here?), but if it isn’t yet, then there are still ways around this requirement – see below under “Proof Of Address In Finland”. Otherwise, all other documents needed should be easy enough to obtain as long as everything else checks out okay during processing time. It may take about two weeks total before getting approval back from authorities, allowing them access to public roads legally now, too!

Eligibility Criteria

A driving license permit may be granted to an applicant who meets the age and health requirements for a driving license permit. lives permanently in Finland, or has been studying in Finland for at least six months. It is not subject to a driving or temporary driving ban in Finland or any other E.U. or EEA country.

Finnish Driving license

Driving license for a car, motorcycle or moped

You need a category B driving licence for driving a passenger car or a van. The minimum age usually is 18.

For driving a motorcycle, you need either a category A1, A2 or A, depending on the size of the bike. Minimum ages range from 16-24.

For driving a moped, you need a category AM. The minimum age is 15. You can also go a moped with a Category B license.

Driving license permit

 You need a driving licence before obtaining a driving license. The minimum age for receiving a permit is 16. The key is valid for three years. The access is the prerequisite for taking an ambitious examination.

A driving license permit may be granted to an applicant who:

  • meets the age and health requirements for a driving license permit
  • lives permanently in Finland or has been studying in Finland for at least six months
  • is not subject to a driving ban or temporary driving ban in Finland or any other E.U. or EEA country

Rules & Regulations

  • You must wear a seatbelt at all times.
  • You must not smoke in the car or carry open containers of alcohol.
  • Headlights must be on when driving, even during daytime hours if it’s foggy or raining.

Estimated Cost of Driving License in Finland

If you wish to take a driving license test in Finland, your exam fees would be euro 185 plus the cost of driving lessons (Between euro 1k to 3k). The cost of the Finland driving test would be the following:

  • Driving license permit application Euro 35
  • Driving license theoretical test Euro 35
  • Driving license application Euro 25
  • Practical part Euro 90

If you don’t show up during the exams, your fees will be 50% deducted.