Driving License in Finland: Things to Keep in Mind

Driving License in Finland: Things to Keep in Mind

Interesting things to keep in Mind While Driving

  • Traffic Jams are rare: Unlike other urban cities worldwide, traffic jams in Finland are rare.
  • Beautiful Scenery along the way: Prepare yourself to enjoy the peaceful scenery along the way in any part of Finland.
  • Speed Limit: The speed limit in Finland is 50km/h in residential/built-up/urban areas and around 80km/h outside. You can drive 1000km/h in the summer and 120km/h on motorways. However, the general speed in winter is reduced to 80km/h everywhere. Note that Finland has mobile and fixed cameras to track your rate. Don’t be careful if you want to donate a few bucks to the local government. In 2015, a Finnish man was fined Euro 54k for travelling 103km/h in an 80km/h zone.
  • Keep your headlights on. Always keep your headlight on regardless of the winter or summer weather. It is legally required to keep your headlights when driving, even in midday light.
  • Flashing Headlights: Flashing headlights from an oncoming vehicle may mean a few things. Your headlight is off, or a moose or an accident is ahead.
  • Roadside scam: Want to help a man waving down cars after having trouble with their vehicle? Well, think twice before you do. Fake police have become an increasing problem in Finland. Legitimate Finnish police can issue spot fines that you can pay later. Fake police, however, don’t do that. They ask for money immediately.
  • Compulsory Items: By law, you must have the following items in your vehicle when driving. Torch, First Aid Kit, Fire Extinguisher, Warning triangle, Spare bulbs
  • Reflective Jacket or Vest (This is necessary in case of emergency)
  • Alcohol Limit: The drunk driving limit is 50mg of alcohol out of 100 mg of blood.

    How To Apply Driving License for Finland

    To apply for a driving license in Finland, you must be at least 18 years old and have lived in your country of residence for at least one year. You’ll also need to bring the following documents:

    • Your passport or I.D. card (if you are from outside the E.U.)
    • A valid residency permit or visa (if applicable)
    • Two passport-sized photos with white background attached on both sides of a sheet of paper with your name written on it

    How To Pass The Driving Test

    To pass the driving test, you must show that you can drive safely and according to the law. To do this, you’ll have to demonstrate your ability in four different areas:

    • Parking
    • Lane changing
    • Speed control (including acceleration and braking)
    • Handling on bends (cornering)

    Who Can Apply

    • You must be 18 years or older.
    • You must have a valid driving licence from your country of residence.
    • You must have a valid passport or travel document.
    • You can only apply for a Finnish driving license if you have no criminal record and are not suspected of committing any offences in Finland or abroad that would lead to losing your driving licence in Finland (e.g., drunk driving).

    Traffic Signs

    Traffic signs are used to control and direct road users. They are regulated by law, and they have different meanings depending on the type of sign. Traffic signs can inform, warn, and instruct road users on what they should do in certain situations while driving in Finland. For example:

    • A stop sign means you must stop before crossing an intersection or railroad track if no traffic light controls it.
    • A yield sign means that you must give way (or yield) to any vehicle coming from your right (left if driving on the left side).